people fantasize about limiting their options all the time
by what they do
by what they think
by what they ask
by what they believe
it’s not easy to have options
so people fantasize about a no option world
fifty shades of one color, one person, one ideology, one thing
“if you could take only one thing with you to a deserted island, what would it be?”
“if you had only one day to live, what would you do?”
“if you had all the money in the world, what would you do?”
(this one is really a no option question if you think about it)
“if you could kill only one person, who would that person be?”
“if you could sleep with only one person, who would that person be?”
etc, etc
and then there is this really interesting no option question
“if you had to tattoo your forehead with one sentence, what would it be?”
I came up with this question, googled it and found out that other people had asked it before me
this is a real question
someone may point a gun at you and really make you choose a sentence for your forehead
just for the fun of it
or other political reasons
so I tried to be prepared
here is my short list of ten forehead tattoo sentences:
1- is that so?
2- be kind
3- everybody’s looking for something
4- shut up
5- workers are working
6- seriousness ruins everything
7- thanks
8- you are what you eat
9- love me
10- you are not even wrong
until then, I will live with my options
i was eating danish cookies while reading “u r what u eat” then wish so.