this morning I ran into a parked car, coming out of the parking with my pickup truck
I made a small dent in it’s front door, a very small one
then I left, I ran
then i turned around and came back
then I left a note, “Hi I dented your front door, please call…”
then I left again
then I came back four hours later
the car was still there
my note was still there, under the wiper blade
then I ate my lunch
then I left again
then I came back one hour later
the car was still there
my note was still there
I put my truck back in the garage
hiding like a thief or a murdurer
I waited for that call some more
then I left again
to see my doctor, to remove some stitches, to leave a scar
on my belly and on my soul
then she called, a nice lady, talking nice
she wanted to know how I did the impossible, I guess
I apologoized
she accepted
then she said her husband will call later
I saw my doctor, all OK
he was worried about the weather, too warm, not snowing
my skin was OK, no cancer cells there
then I came back
three hours later
the car was still there
the note was gone
that small orange sticky note with my name and number
why she hasn’t moved the car yet? or he?
I had an urge to smash the little white thing and burn it down
a day is a very long time for a newly dented parked car
I can still see the car from my window
I am still waiting for the husband to call me
or to come and kill me
or to say something nice or not nice to me
to finally settle a minor car accident
I am still waiting for the husband to move his goddamn car
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